
Friday 9 October 2015

Do what others don't

You have to do what others don't do so you can have what others don't have.

So if others like you lift light, you have to lift heavier.
If they run slow, run faster.
If they run for a short time, run longer.

Do something new. Get something New and BETTER.

JOGGING AND RUNNING. The differences.

The Differences between Jogging and Running 

Both Running and Jogging are types of aerobic exercises.
Both these exercises help the body to lose weight by burning out some fat. They also strengthen the muscles of the legs. Generally, they work to make the body healthier and stronger. Improved immunity to diseases has been associated with exercises such as jogging and running.
Both exercises are movements that are associated to walking, they are just faster. It is only proper to relate them to walking in differentiating the two.
The first major difference between the two is that of speed.
Jogging is a faster movement than walking while running is way faster than jogging. As a result, jogging requires more movement and effort than running. That is to say that running for a minute requires more energy than jogging for a minute.

Also,  the speed involved in running is determined by the length of stride and the frequency of motion (Maybe in radians per minute, for instance). Of course, the overall fitness of the individual will determine how fast he or she can run.

1. Descriptive
JOGGING: Trotting at a pace faster than walking and brisk walking. It can be done by all age groups.
RUNNING: Moving at a pace faster than jogging. This is the fastest pace a human can move. Cannot be done by all age groups, older folks may find it difficult because of the pace and energy required.

2. Reasons for the workout
JOGGING: Losing weight. Strengthening the heart.
RUNNING: Losing weight. Strengthening the heart. Strengthening the bones. Improving the effectiveness of the cardiovascular system.

3. Bennfits of the workout
JOGGING: Healthier body. Fitness. Strong cardiovascular system.
RUNNING: Athletic build. Healthier body. Fitness. Strong cardiovascular system. Losing weight. 

Generally, both jogging and running are good for you.

Running is a more intense workout, consequently it requires more energy and more muscle work. The heart will beat faster and pump blood through the veins faster, and you will break a sweat faster and easily.
Jogging and running are arguably the fastest ways to develop stamina and burn fat.
The health benefits of these exercises are numerous.
Do them regularly for a healthier life, stronger heart, stronger bones and general well being.

Friday 2 October 2015

Why some girls don't lift weights


Reasons girls give why they don't lift weights:

1. It will make me look like a man and less like a woman.
2. I will not be pretty anymore.
3. People will laugh at me.
4. Men will avoid me.


On the contrary -

It will actually make you look more feminine.

Your beauty is not dependent on lifting weights or not, but you will definitely look sexier if you did.

Only weak lazy women will laugh at you. They're just jealous you had the courage and the strength to do what they can't.

As for men avoiding you, only a weak man would. Such men are weak physically, emotionally and psychologically. They can't handle you. You don't need that.

Lifting weights is GOOD for girls.

So most women are afraid of lifting weights. Some think it will make them less feminine and more masculine. 
They think it will reduce their beauty and overall " hotness". 

Well, let's prove them wrong with a few pics of women that actually lift weights and are as hot as ever! 


And of course...

That's the wrap! 

If these pics didn't convince you, nothing else will. 
Unless I post more pics, of course. 

More pics coming up soon...