
Sunday 20 September 2015

Benefits of Push Ups

Push Ups are classified as Compound Exercises. This means multiple muscle groups are called upon when performing the exercise.

   1.   Increases Overall Strength as a Result of Full Body Activation

Push ups require the use of almost all the major muscles in the body to perform. Consequently, the overall strength of the individual that does this exercise regularly is increased / improved.
Major muscle groups, such as the biceps, core muscles, triceps, anterior deltoids and lower body muscle groups are activated to support the body while stabilizing movements. 

   2.   Muscle Stretching

Push Ups stretch the biceps and back muscles. During the downward motion, the muscles of the back are stretched effectively. And during the upward push, the biceps get stretched.
This improves flexibility, which helps prevent injuries. And, a well stretched muscle is attractive.

   3.   Enhances the Cardiovascular System

Given that Push Ups involve a lot muscles, the heart works to deliver oxygen-rich blood to the tissues of the muscles. Consequently, the Push Up is an effective cardiovascular exercise. It improves the health of the heart and reduces the accumulation of fat by burning it.

   4.   Increases Whole Body Muscle Definition – HGH Promotion

Because of the intensity of this exercise, it can trigger the production of the HGH – Human Growth Hormone. Young individuals have this hormone in abundance for the optimum growth. As one gets older, the production of this hormone is reduced.
Push Ups tend to trigger the production of the HGH because of the intensity of the workout and the number of muscles that it activates.

   5.   Protect the Shoulders from Injury

Push Ups are effective exercises that strengthen the shoulders and thus, prevent undue injuries
   6.   Improves Posture 

Push ups strengthen the core muscles responsible for carrying the human weight and thus maintain a good walking or standing posture. 

   7.   Prevents Lower Back Injuries

Push Ups strengthen the muscles of the lower back. Problems commonly known as back ache and waist pain can be prevented effectively by doing Push Ups. 

Those are just a few of the benefits.
But, the benefits are numerous. And it can be done at the comfort of the home or office. No need for special equipment. No need to pay huge monthly fees at the gym if you cannot afford to.
Saves time too.

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